As of: 02/13/2025
Stop ID# |
Stop name |
Direction of travel |
Location |
Special notes |
9165 | 2135 W 51st Street | Eastbound | Southside of the Street | |
14784 | 47th Red Line Station | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
3113 | 5000 S Kedzie | Northbound | Eastside of the Street | |
3085 | 5000 S Kedzie | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
9201 | 51st Street & Aberdeen | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
9176 | 51st Street & Aberdeen | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
9222 | 51st Street & Albany | Westbound | Northside of the Street | |
9155 | 51st Street & Albany | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
18026 | 51st Street & Ashland | Westbound | Northwest Corner | |
15024 | 51st Street & Ashland | Eastbound | Southeast Corner | |
9219 | 51st Street & California | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
9158 | 51st Street & California | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
9216 | 51st Street & Campbell | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
9161 | 51st Street & Campbell | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
9210 | 51st Street & Damen | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
9167 | 51st Street & Damen | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
9220 | 51st Street & Francisco | Westbound | Northside of the Street | |
9157 | 51st Street & Francisco | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
9198 | 51st Street & Halsted | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
9179 | 51st Street & Halsted | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
9211 | 51st Street & Hoyne | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
9166 | 51st Street & Hoyne | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
9223 | 51st Street & Kedzie | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
9154 | 51st Street & Kedzie | Eastbound | Southeast Corner | |
9205 | 51st Street & Laflin | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
9172 | 51st Street & Laflin | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
9212 | 51st Street & Leavitt | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
18025 | 51st Street & Loomis | Westbound | Northwest Corner | |
18022 | 51st Street & Loomis | Eastbound | Southeast Corner | |
9181 | 51st Street & Lowe | Eastbound | Southeast Corner | |
18024 | 51st Street & Morgan | Westbound | Northwest Corner | |
9177 | 51st Street & Morgan | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
9213 | 51st Street & Oakley | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
9164 | 51st Street & Oakley | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
9207 | 51st Street & Paulina | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
9170 | 51st Street & Paulina | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
9199 | 51st Street & Peoria | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
9178 | 51st Street & Peoria | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
9195 | 51st Street & Princeton | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
9182 | 51st Street & Princeton | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
9202 | 51st Street & Racine | Westbound | Northwest Corner | |
18023 | 51st Street & Racine | Eastbound | Southeast Corner | |
9217 | 51st Street & Rockwell | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
9160 | 51st Street & Rockwell | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
9221 | 51st Street & Sacramento | Westbound | Northside of the Street | |
9156 | 51st Street & Sacramento | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
9203 | 51st Street & Throop | Westbound | Northwest Corner | |
9174 | 51st Street & Throop | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
9197 | 51st Street & Union | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
9180 | 51st Street & Union | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
9218 | 51st Street & Washtenaw | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
9159 | 51st Street & Washtenaw | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
9194 | 51st Street & Wells | Westbound | Northwest Corner | |
9183 | 51st Street & Wells | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
9215 | 51st Street & Western Avenue | Westbound | Northwest Corner | |
9162 | 51st Street & Western Avenue | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
9214 | 51st Street & Western Boulevard | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
9163 | 51st Street & Western Boulevard | Eastbound | Southeast Corner | |
9209 | 51st Street & Wolcott | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
9168 | 51st Street & Wolcott | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
9208 | 51st Street & Wood | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
9169 | 51st Street & Wood | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
9196 | 601 W 51st Street | Westbound | Northside of the Street | |
14126 | Kedzie Orange Line Station | Northeastbound | Bus Terminal | |
6516 | Wells & 47th Street | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
6517 | Wells & 48th Place | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
6519 | Wells & 50th Street | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
15907 | Wentworth & 51st Street | Northbound | Northeast Corner |